This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Sunday, 18 September 2005

Ladies. Always "kemut" for sexual prosperity

Pelvic Floor Muscle Contractions (i.e. Kemut)

"This exercise is very important for maintaining strong support for all your pelvic organs, especially your uterus and bladder. Learn it now and practise it daily for the rest of your life!"

This is one of the things that Aum an I learned today from our final antenatal class. Although the exercise might result in severe constipation to a man (uhhhhhh! susahnya nak keluar nih!), to a woman it is an important exercise to ease labour and also for the general health and strength of her sexual organ (which in turns benefits her man too!). So, ladies now follow me ...

1. For a beginner, I need you to sit on a pillow with both of your feet on the floor. Once you have mastered this, you can do it anywhere, anytime in any position, even when you are cooking.

2. Slowly, contract your pelvic floor muscle upwards. Basically all it means is contract your rectum (just like when you're finishing off your business in toilet), and also your vagina ... or in laymen malay term kemut both organs.

3. Hold the contraction for as long as you can. If for the first time you find it hard to hold it long, do not worry. Slowly increase the duration when you are more used to it.

4. Repeat it several times.

Do it regularly and Good luck!
You will thank me when you see the result. Write me a thank you note, will you.

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