Can you believe that to just change credit card payment due date, you need to write in to the bank, a new account created for you and you'll get a replacement card? I just couldn't believe when I first heard it! But that's in fact what true with Public Bank. Now, let's just imagine the consequences and inconveniences if you have direct debit set up for DIGI, Streamyx, TNB, Telekom, Fitness First, Clark Hatch, Astro, Prudential, Great Eastern, Kurnia, vacation club, residence maintenance fee, water bills, god knows what else. You're gonna be in a big shit having to inform all these companies about the change. Getting it sorted out just for DIGI will already take you one week (Trust me. Try having a corporate line with DIGI - another pain-in-the a*se!)
I got so damn pissed off when the officer told me "Oh, that's just our policy. Different bank, different policy." I go: "Excuse me, why is it such a big deal. I just want to change the date.". She replied: "Sorry sir. That's the procedure." Ok. Fine. "Put me through to your superior then"
... and this is the story I got from the boss ...
"Sorry sir. It's actually a limitation in our billing system. To change the date, we need to close the account and re-create a new one. To do this we need a written instruction from the account holder."
What? Just to change the date you need to close the account??!! Who wrote your system? A college student? You might as well pay me and I'll write one for you.
My advise to anyone considering applying for a Public Bank credit card. Just forget it.
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