This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Monday 13 March 2006

So many things to do

Now that I know I'd be leaving Malaysia pretty soon, there are tonnes of things that I need to do. Gulp!

1. Cancel all credit cards except CT Bank, HSBC and Direct Access.
2. Inform all banks about new correspondence address in Switzerland
3. Cancel Streamyx and house Telephone
4. Sell my car
5. Get Alesha's insusrance policy doc from agent
6. Renew Amway annual fee
7. Take up ASB loan
8. Give money from car sale to Abah to settle Eet's tuition fee
9. Send aquarium and fish to sister's
10. Fix the toilet
11. Sevice air-cond
12. Possibly purchase a new stove
13. Set up auto-debit for condo's maintenance fee
14. Pay outstanding tax to Inland Revenue
15. ... and the list goes on

Sunday 5 March 2006

My Last Getaway

It's time to say good bye. The past three days have been fantastic. It's probably the most memorable company getaway I've been too for the past 4 years. Could be the best of all time. Most would agree I'd think.

The official night party was a lot of fun with games, lucky draws and karaoke competition. As compare to last year (which were close to R-rated), the games were probably on the tamer side. But fun. So much fun that it's hard to forget. The night didn't stop there. Some of us continued to party till 3 in the morning. At the end of it I was so knackered that I knew I'd get sick the next day. To make things worse I joined a few of my colleagues to go and look for some food at a small 24-hour stall located about 3 km away (They told me it was just outside the hotel compound. bullshit!). And we walked there! Can you believe it walking in the dark that far at 3.30 in the morning just to get a plate of oily fried noodle (I wonder if cooking oil is extremely cheap in Terengganu) and teh tarik. And having to do it just after 2.5 hours of non-stop dancing was really pushing me to the limit. Not to mentioned the effect of team building activities the day before.

I got back to my room at around 4.30. Took a quick shower and went straight to bed. At 6.30 I got up and struggled to get back to sleep. Argh! forget it. Took another shower ....

I think I will skip work tomorrow.
What's important now is to get a face mask before seeing my baby ... dont want to her to get sick too ...

Man ... I feel really really bad ............................

Friday 3 March 2006

Getaway in Awana Kijal

It's 12.30 am and I'm sooo sleepy. Just finished some presentation slides for Beijing office. Gotta wake up early morning for the trip to Awana Kijal... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ....

Party Time!!

Wednesday 1 March 2006

The transfer process is rolling

The Swiss office and HR department is talking now. I could expect to sign some transfer related documents documents soon. In the meantime Ayen is busy preparing things, .. all sort of things - shopping for baby stuff, preparing checklist of things to ship etc.. Thank god I have such an efficient PA. I'm too busy snoring to do them myself ;)

In the office, the process of finding my replacement has kicked off. An old friend was recommended by a close friend. Good opportunity for him.