This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Swiss-style 24-hour fresh vegetables and farm produce vending machine

I was taking a quick spin through the nearby village with my daughter when we stumbled across this vending machine selling fresh vegetables, fruits and eggs. It was the first time that I saw a vending machines used to sell farm produce. Looking at the prices, they are a wee bit above those found in the supermarkets downtown, but I guess not so bad if one needs any of these items urgently and it's Sunday (Sunday is a no-business day in Switzerland; with a small exceptions all shops are closed, including many restaurants!). 

A Swiss Style 24-hour vegetables, fruits and eggs vending machine

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