This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Google Chrome fails to launch - this is how to sort it out

My work laptop runs on Windows XP (yes, XP .. almost obsolete) and last week I had my Windows profile folder corrupted for whetever reason, and my Outlook email won't start. To add to the problem, my Google Chrome also stopped to launch.

Though the Outlook issue was resolved, Chrome continued to not launch. Restarting the machine and de-installation/reinstallation of Chrome also didn't do much.

In the end, it turned out Chrome User data folder was also corrupt.

So, if you experience non launching of Chrome, 99% is due to the use data folder being corrupt. To resolve it is pretty easy.

1) Go to this folder in Windows explorer: D:\Documents and Settings\aabdulra\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome
2) In there you will find a folder called "User Data"
3) Right click on the folder and choose "Rename" from the pop-up menu
4) Rename it to whatever you like .. such as "User Data - CORRUPT"
5) Try launching Chrome again. Should work like a charm now :)
6) After that you may want to DELETE premanently the old, renamed User Data folder

... easy peasy

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