This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Another Eid, another year on, another family photo

It's not often that we take family photos. Not that it isn't possible, it's just simply not taking the effort. At least for every Raya occasion, we try to do this and the quality is improving - not so much of the looks of the parents rather the composition and lighting.

The following with two takes with on camera timer, a prosumer flash gun and a cheap tripod.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri / Eid Mubarak

Maaf Zahir & Batin
from: Azhan, Anna, Lana, Aryan, Lyris

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