Since we moved in about 2 and 1/2 years ago, the sink drainage pipe has always been giving problem. Water did not flow out fast enough indicating a clog. It was never so serious until recently. Advised by some people I equipped myself with a couple of rubber pumps, some clog acid, hot water and salt and tried to solve the problem myself. It just made it WORSE! My pumping was a bit too much (as usual he he he) and I somehow sucked in much more dirt into the clogged pipe from other connecting pipes. It was so so so bad that water began to take one hour to completely discharge. The whole thing couple with my bed partner's nags despite all the effort I had put in (although not successul which IS NOT THE POINT!) pissed me off this morning. I could not stand it any more that I flee home after sahur at around 5.45 AM. Serious nih! No, I didn't sleep in the car Vann, heh heh ... it was all lies to put a bit more umphh! in the drama to entertain a bored friend of mine in England. I have a spare tyre for emergency situation larrr.
One of the things I really hate about the design of this condo is that the drainage pipe dirt trap points are all in the unit beneath your's. So, in my case, the plumber had to do the work in my neighbour's unit in the floor below. Since the "Mister Management Officer" had not called and informed the resident, I took my own initative to go and see her. At 9.30 AM I was already before for her door helping her to wake up from bed. Ring! Ring! Ring!. Who is that? - It's Stallion, your neighbour from upstairs. Do you have a couple of minutes? - Just a minute. I need to disarm my alarm. (Wow! what does she have inside. Gold pussy?). After a few clicks of locks being disengaged the door was opened and my smell sense detected strong ciggarette odour suggesting a smoker occupant. Standing in front of me was quite an attractive woman even with dishelved hair, possibly in her thirtys, in a bathrobe (I didn't get the chance to analyse if there was in anything else underneath :) ). .... I'm sorry I have to wake you up early in the morning - You just did! (Quite firm. Understandable. Sorry.). She was quite OK despite a little pissed off when I explained to her the situation and that I needed her co-operation to let the plumber in later.
The plumber arrived at around 10.30 AM and without me knowing it he was already downstairs working on it. After a few attempts, the problem remained unresolved. I could here some continuous exchange of Cantonese words from downstairs. I wished I knew Cantonese, at least I would know what they were taking about. But, I could sense the plumber was having a tough time dealing with the lady.
After a while the plumber went up to my unit. The bad news was he would need to cut and replace part of the pipe. He needed 2 to 3 hours to do it. He told me the lady had been nagging non-stop while he was down there. Poor him. I know how it feels mate. I know. Just be tough. Women are born with the it. You just have to accept it. It turned worst when they past a certain age and with no man. It's probably been a long time since she last had a real orgasm. Symphatize her a bit. I told him I'd talk to her again and agree on another date on which he can start working on the pipe replacement. Sigh ....
I immediately called "Mr Management Officer" to inform him of the situation. Shortly after I could hear him talking to the lady downstairs. He was already there. He called me. They needed me downstairs. I went down. Since I knew the nature of the lady, I equipped myself with the coaching skills I had learned from the training course yesterday. SURE steps : Start, Understand, Respect and Engage. It would be a good experiment.
The moment I stepped into her condo, she came charging towards me like a tiger. Grrr!!! I thought she was gonna squeeze my balls. Ouch! I responded by offering her a handshake while introducing myself. That calmed her down a bit (Start). I then asked her to explain the issue (Understand). She went on telling me all the mess that the plumber would create if they started cutting the pipe, how her alarm wiring could be damaged AND THEN .... this was what made me realised that the mess wasn't really her main concern, she started telling me how her place had been broken into, her car had got stolen, insurance company had yet to pay the compensation and she had to pay the installments for the old car as well as the new one and also the maintenance fee. I said I was sorry. She said she was glad I said that. She thought nobody bothered. See .. all she needed was a shoulder to cry on. Come to me baby. I have two shoulders. One taken. You can take the other one. I knew it! All she needed was a man! Or may be a woman (nah .. I don't think so, but could be). My response of "I was sorry to hear it" did miracle although it was just a lips service. It totally calmed her down. I even offered to clean the area once the work completed (Respect). Actually I got quite pissed off also lah that she had been so difficult. So I said: I just want you to be a little bit more considerate and flexible in this matter. We live in a condo. My sink has been clogged since the first day I moved in about 2 1/2 years ago and now it's been so bad that I can't stand it any longer. I used to do part-time cleaning people's toilet during my time at University. This is nothing to me (until I saw the real mess later!). I can clean it for you. No problem. Do you have a pail, a mop, some detergent and hot water? Could you leave them here. I can even boil the water for you if you like. Where is your kettle? She was on my side after that, pushing the plumber to agree to do it today, symphatising me not being able to cook if it wasn't settled immediately (Aum and I hardly cooked actually .. oh well). The plumber agreed to sort it out in the afternoon and Mr Management Officer agreed to let them work beyond 1 PM despite it being Saturday. (Engage)
The next time I went down to see the work progress. Oh my goodness! It was a total major mess! The condition of the clog was really bad and my pumping had worsened it. When the pipe was cut, all sort of things spurted out including my shit and Aum's. I was really shitting on my neighbour!
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