This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

sitting on the edge

sitting on the edge
Originally uploaded by arylana
It's another hot day in Switzerland ... and so humid too, the most humid since I came here in 2006. 5 minutes in sun, and you are drenched. Everyone was out, enjoying the two, three months before it turns into a gloomy, gray world again.

This photo was taken across the Sex shop in Baden (sorry, don't remembar the "platz" name, only that there is a big sey shop there :)).

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