This blog is simply about anything that my mind tells the fingers to jot down. Many times they come late at night, others at work and occasionally in the toilet heading for that big drop. Most entries are about life in the "land of chocolate" and things that I love to do - mountain biking, photography, snowboarding and a bit of running.

Friday, 18 November 2005

yeehaaaa! I'm free of bronchitis!

Detailed checkup by the chest specialist today @ Ampang Puteri confirms that I'm totally clear from any traces of virus, bacteria or whatever microorganism that causes bronchitis. My blood is perfect so is my lungs condition. I feel GREAAAAT!

One of my gouramis died yesterday and today the other one behaves pretty strangely. She's no longer aggressive like she used to be. Not a good sign.

A real sucker!

posted by Angel with Fin at 0 Comments

Monday, 14 November 2005

Bronchitis attacks my lungs!

To my surprise I was diagnosed with bronchitis on Wednesday. It all took 24 hours to develop. A very fast development that even my GP was puzzled. With the medication that was perscribed, I got through the breathing difficulty stage quite fast in about 3 hours. The antibiotic worked pretty well, my chest blockage cleared significantly that evening. But my condition is far from perfect. Although it has been about 5 days, my left lung is still giving out the "wheezing" noise whenever I take deep breath. I was told to return this Monday for blood test by my GP. Hopefully, that afternoon, we could obtain the result that will determine the next course of action.

There is a good chance that I might be admitted. I hope this will not happen considering my other half is heavily pregnant. Even if she was not pregnant, the thought of being away from home always put me under stress just like all the occasions when I have to travel on business. My other half never wants to drive or put an effort in trying to drive just because of the car is manual. If I were admitted, I will again be posed with the question "How am I supposed to go to work?", a question that I have heard for some many times every single time I had to travel, a question that I'm so tired of answering. And another question would be "You expect me to take cab?". How else can I answer? What other options do I have? Can someone help? I wish I had so much money that I could purchase a small automatic car or even better get a chaeffeur to drive my wife to work .... the problem is, I can't even afford a second hand Kancil now. Or the out-of-this-world solution would be to buy a condo behind Nikko Hotel.

I pray to God that by Monday morning, the bronchitis will heal totally or at least shows some signifant signs of complete receovery. And the blood test will not hopefully produce any result that suggests the need for hospitalisation.

Saturday, 12 November 2005

My wet pets

I got myself a couple of orange gouramis (one of which is shown here) this week to increase the number of members of my community tank. This particular species of gouramis is very interesting to watch and much more aggressive than the others I used to have. A perfect match to the aggressive two angel fishes I already have. Although the gouramis are much smaller, so far they have not been easily bullied. In fact they a few times they attacked the angels.

My two majestic angels! and the little loach.

Now, in total I have a pair of angels, 9 red-head tetras, one male guppy, one zebrafish, one male betta, two female bettas, one small-short-type loach (I dunno the exact name), and three algae eaters (two of which are the small tiny type).

Since my old small tank had not been used, I decided to re-set it up for an all-guppy home. I look forward to seeing some baby guppies swimming happily one of these days.